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来源: 发布时间:2011-6-30 17:17:49

Springer celebrates the launch of its 50th SpringerOpen journal
New open access journal International Journal of Disaster Risk Sciences is fully sponsored by the Beijing Normal University
With the International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (IJDRS), Springer is happy to announce its 50th SpringerOpen journal. The open access initiative was launched as SpringerOpen one year ago. IJDRS focuses on theoretical and methodological issues in disaster science, emergency response technology and risk management. The open access journal is fully sponsored by the Beijing Normal University.
Springer started its open access initiative in order to expand open access to all disciplines within the science, technology and medicine (STM) fields. Most of the newly launched SpringerOpen journals derive from the fields of engineering, medicine and mathematics. Springer’s BioMed Central provided the expertise and technology to help successfully establish the SpringerOpen portfolio.
“We are proud of the uptake of SpringerOpen within such a short period of time. There is a great deal of interest on the part of scientists and other partners who are willing to develop new open access journals with us. Of course, we aim to further expand the SpringerOpen portfolio and welcome any new journal plans in all areas of science,” said Wim van der Stelt, EVP Corporate Strategy and Business Development at Springer.
All content of SpringerOpen journals – including research articles, reviews, and editorials – is fully and immediately open access, and is accessible to anyone with an internet connection. No subscription is needed.
SpringerOpen journals are e-only journals. Springer is committed to delivering high-quality articles and ensuring rapid publication as with its traditional journals, using online submission systems and in-depth peer review for an efficient, author-friendly production process. The final articles are not only published in a timely manner on Springer’s online information platform SpringerLink, but are also distributed to archives such as PubMed Central and to institutional repositories as requested.
SpringerOpen journals are published under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which facilitates the open distribution of copyrighted work. According to this license, Springer will not reserve any exclusive commercial rights.
Springer Science+Business Media is a leading global scientific publisher, delivering quality content through innovative information products and services. The company is also a trusted provider of local-language professional publications in Europe, especially in Germany and the Netherlands. In the science, technology and medicine (STM) sector, the group publishes around 2,000 journals and more than 7,000 new books a year, as well as the largest STM eBook Collection worldwide. Springer has operations in about 20 countries in Europe, the USA, and Asia, and more than 5,500 employees. In 2010, it generated annual sales of around EUR 866 million.
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