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来源: 发布时间:2017/9/27 22:24:28



明升官网的高温气冷堆示范工程(HTR-PM)开工近五年来,绝大多数研发性设备和材料的试验验证工作均已完成,反应堆压力容器、不含燃料的石墨球已在工程现场安装完成。HTR-PM项目的设计方案是用两座分别为热功率250 MW、以氦气作为冷却剂的球床反应堆,推动一台发电功率210MW的汽轮机发电。通过这一方案,它还可以灵活调整电和热的比率。



国际原子能机构负责核能事务的副总干事Mikhail Chudakov在开幕会上说:“明升官网HTR-PM项目的成功,将会在核能行业树立一个重要的里程碑,它将为其他国家发展和应用高温堆技术铺平道路。”




以下为World Nuclear News 英文报道原文:

China plans further high temperature reactor innovation China is moving rapidly towards using nuclear power as an industrial heat source and as a direct replacement for coal, Yulong Wu, CEO of Chinergy, told a side event at the International Atomic Energy Agencys (IAEAs) General Conference today. Five years into the HTR-PM program, technical tests of most innovative components and materials are complete, and on-site the reactor vessel and some non-fuel graphite spheres are loaded. The design sees two pebble-bed reactors cooled by helium produce 250 MWt MWt each and drive one steam turbine to produce 210 MWe net. It can be configured for varying ratios of electricity and heat. Applications for HTR-PM include direct replacement of coal-fired power plants, while its heat could be used for desalination of seawater for human consumption, production of hydrogen, or a wide range of other high temperature heat applications in industry. At the construction site in Shidaowan, in Shandong province, the steam generators and reactor vessel are in final installation, said Wu. Outstanding work includes final testing of the steam generator which transfers heat from helium coolant to a water/steam loop. Wu said these should be complete by next April. Opening the session, Mikhail Chudakov, IAEA deputy director general for nuclear energy, said: "The success of this project will establish a milestone for the nuclear industry. It will pave the way for others." Beyond HTR-PM, China proposes a scaled-up version called HTR-PM600, which sees one large turbine rated at 650 MWe driven by some six HTR-PM reactor units. Feasibility studies on HTR-PM600 deployment are underway for Sanmen, Zhejiang province, Ruijin, Jiangxi province, Xiapu and Wanan, in Fujian province, and Baian, Guangdong province. The reactor concept is a focus for cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia, which would like to use nuclear energy for electricity and production of drinking water through desalination. The countries signed a cooperation agreement in March under which China Nuclear Energy Engineering Group (CNEC) and the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KA-CARE) are to consider the development of system solutions for the investment and construction of high temperature reactors. They will also examine cooperation in intellectual property and the development of an industrial supply chain in Saudi Arabia. The feasibility study, it said, will also support the Saudi government in its decisions related to a potential high temperature reactor project. CNEC said that since the signing of that MOU, the two countries have been looking at site selection for the project, building a regulatory system, and training personnel, among other things.

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