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来源: 发布时间:2023/7/28 14:41:07
耶鲁大学副教授Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio讲述可适应变化环境及任务的可变形软体机器人







北京时间2023年7月28日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第154期邀请到耶鲁大学的 Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio 讲述可适应变化环境及任务的可变形软体机器人!更多精彩,敬请期待!


Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio

Yale University

Shape-shifting soft robots that adapt to changing tasks and environments


Soft robots have the potential to augment their morphology, properties, and behavioral control policy to adapt to different tasks and environments. Inspired by the dynamic plasticity and general adaptability of animals, this talk will introduce several shape-shifting soft robot platforms—for example, robotic fabrics and legged robots with morphing limbs—capable of editing their physical structure to perform tasks more efficiently under changing task demands or in multiple environments. The talk will also cover the multifunctional material systems, including stretchable electronics, novel soft actuators, and variable stiffness materials, that enable predictable shape change. Harnessing these engineered materials and mechanisms yields access to a gamut of adaptive capabilities for increasingly life-like synthetic robots.



Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio is the John J. Lee Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Yale University. Focusing on the intersection of materials, manufacturing, and robotics, her group is deriving new multifunctional materials that will allow next-generation robots to adapt their morphology and behavior to changing tasks and environments. She is the winner of multiple early career awards including the NSF Career Award, the NASA Early Career Award, the AFOSR Young Investigator Award, and the ONR Young Investigator Award. She was named to the Forbes “30 under 30” list for her approach to manufacturing liquid metals through printable emulsions and scalable sintering methods. She received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) award, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers, for her development of robotic skins that turn inanimate objects into multifunctional robots. She serves as an Associate Editor of Soft Robotics and IEEE T-RO, as well as Senior Editor of IJRR, and was General Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) in both 2020 and 2021. She was named an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in 2019, a National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Gilbreth Lecturer in 2022, and a National Academy of Science (NAS) Kavli Fellow in 2023. She also serves on the Technology, Innovation & Engineering Committee of the NASA Advisory Council.

Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio是耶鲁大学机械工程与材料明升体育appJohn J. Lee 副教授。她的团队聚焦材料、制造及机器人技术交叉领域,致力于开发新型多功能材料,以使下一代机器人能改变其形态及行为以更好适应不断变化的任务与环境。她是多个早期职业奖项的获得者,包括 NSF 职业奖、NASA 早期职业奖、AFOSR 青年研究者奖和 ONR 青年研究者奖。她因发明出的通过可印刷悬浮液和可扩展烧结方法以进行液态金属制造的方法可入选福布斯30 under 30榜单。她因开发出可将无明升m88物体变成多功能机器人的机器人皮肤而获得了美国政府授予杰出明升体育app家和工程师的最高荣誉——总统早期明升体育app家和工程师奖(PECASE)。她担任Soft Robotics及IEEE T-RO杂志的副主编,以及IJRR期刊的高级编辑,并于2020年和2021年担任IEEE软体机器人国际会议(RoboSoft)的总主席。她于2019年被评为IEEE杰出讲师,2022年被评为美国国家工程院(NAE) Gilbreth讲师,并于2023年被评为美国国家明升体育app院(NAS) Kavli研究员。她还在NASA咨询委员会的技术、创新和工程委员会任职。

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