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作者:未玖 来源:明升手机版(明升官网)微信公众号 发布时间:2023/8/19 20:39:03


Nature, 17 August 2023, VOL 620, ISSUE 7974




Microstructure and crystal order during freezing of supercooled water drops


▲ 作者:Armin Kalita, Maximillian Mrozek-McCourt, Thomas F. Kaldawi, Philip R. Willmott, N. Duane Loh, Sebastian Marte, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Supercooled water droplets are widely used to study supercooled water, ice nucleation and droplet freezing. Their freezing in the atmosphere affects the dynamics and climate feedback of clouds and can accelerate cloud freezing through secondary ice production. Droplet freezing occurs at several timescales and length scales and is sufficiently stochastic to make it unlikely that two frozen drops are identical. Here we use optical microscopy and X-ray laser diffraction to investigate the freezing of tens of thousands of water microdrops in vacuum after homogeneous ice nucleation around 234–235?K. On the basis of drop images, we developed a seven-stage model of freezing and used it to time the diffraction data. Diffraction from ice crystals showed that long-range crystalline order formed in less than 1?ms after freezing, whereas diffraction from the remaining liquid became similar to that from quasi-liquid layers on premelted ice. The ice had a strained hexagonal crystal structure just after freezing, which is an early metastable state that probably precedes the formation of ice with stacking defects. The techniques reported here could help determine the dynamics of freezing in other conditions, such as drop freezing in clouds, or help understand rapid solidification in other materials.

材料明升体育appMaterials Science

Reversible spin-optical interface in luminescent organic radicals


▲ 作者:Sebastian Gorgon, Kuo Lv, Jeannine Grüne, Bluebell H. Drummond, William K. Myers, Giacomo Londi, et al.

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研究组观察到,双光子激发在几皮秒内离域到连接并苯上,并随后演化为1.8 eV附近混合自由基-三重态特征的纯高自旋态(单自由基为四重态,双自由基为五重态)。即使在295K下,这些高自旋态也可用于微波相干寻址,通过反向系间窜越到发射态来实现光学读出。


▲ Abstract:

Molecules present a versatile platform for quantum information science and are candidates for sensing and computation applications. Robust spin-optical interfaces are key to harnessing the quantum resources of materials. To date, carbon-based candidates have been non-luminescent, which prevents optical readout via emission. Here we report organic molecules showing both efficient luminescence and near-unity generation yield of excited states with spin multiplicity S > 1. This was achieved by designing an energy resonance between emissive doublet and triplet levels, here on covalently coupled tris(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) methyl-carbazole radicals and anthracene. We observed that the doublet photoexcitation delocalized onto the linked acene within a few picoseconds and subsequently evolved to a pure high-spin state (quartet for monoradical, quintet for biradical) of mixed radical–triplet character near 1.8?eV. These high-spin states are coherently addressable with microwaves even at 295?K, with optical readout enabled by reverse intersystem crossing to emissive states. Furthermore, for the biradical, on return to the ground state the previously uncorrelated radical spins either side of the anthracene shows strong spin correlation. Our approach simultaneously supports a high efficiency of initialization, spin manipulations and light-based readout at room temperature. The integration of luminescence and high-spin states creates an organic materials platform for emerging quantum technologies.

Autonomous healing of fatigue cracks via cold welding


▲ 作者:Christopher M. Barr, Ta Duong, Daniel C. Bufford, Zachary Milne, Abhilash Molkeri, Nathan M. Heckman, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Fatigue in metals involves gradual failure through incremental propagation of cracks under repetitive mechanical load. In structural applications, fatigue accounts for up to 90% of in-service failure. Prevention of fatigue relies on implementation of large safety factors and inefficient overdesign. In traditional metallurgical design for fatigue resistance, microstructures are developed to either arrest or slow the progression of cracks. Crack growth is assumed to be irreversible. By contrast, in other material classes, there is a compelling alternative based on latent healing mechanisms and damage reversal. Here, we report that fatigue cracks in pure metals can undergo intrinsic self-healing. We directly observe the early progression of nanoscale fatigue cracks, and as expected, the cracks advance, deflect and arrest at local microstructural barriers. However, unexpectedly, cracks were also observed to heal by a process that can be described as crack flank cold welding induced by a combination of local stress state and grain boundary migration. The premise that fatigue cracks can autonomously heal in metals through local interaction with microstructural features challenges the most fundamental theories on how engineers design and evaluate fatigue life in structural materials. We discuss the implications for fatigue in a variety of service environments.

能源明升体育appEnergy Science

Inverted perovskite solar cells using dimethylacridine-based dopants


▲ 作者:Qin Tan, Zhaoning Li, Guangfu Luo, Xusheng Zhang, Bo Che, Guocong Chen, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Doping of perovskite semiconductors and passivation of their grain boundaries remain challenging but essential for advancing high-efficiency perovskite solar cells. Particularly, it is crucial to build perovskite/indium tin oxide (ITO) Schottky contact based inverted devices without predepositing a layer of hole-transport material. Here we report a dimethylacridine-based molecular doping process used to construct a well-matched p-perovskite/ITO contact, along with all-round passivation of grain boundaries, achieving a certified power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 25.39%. The molecules are shown to be extruded from the precursor solution to the grain boundaries and the bottom of the film surface in the chlorobenzene-quenched crystallization process, which we call a molecule-extrusion process. The core coordination complex between the deprotonated phosphonic acid group of the molecule and lead polyiodide of perovskite is responsible for both mechanical absorption and electronic charge transfer, and leads to p-type doping of the perovskite film. We created an efficient device with a PCE of 25.86% (reverse scan) and that maintained 96.6% of initial PCE after 1,000?h of light soaking.

地球明升体育appEarth Science

Future emergence of new ecosystems caused by glacial retreat


▲ 作者:J. B. Bosson, M. Huss, S. Cauvy-Fraunié, J. C. Clément, G. Costes, M. Fischer, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Glacier shrinkage and the development of post-glacial ecosystems related to anthropogenic climate change are some of the fastest ongoing ecosystem shifts, with marked ecological and societal cascading consequences. Yet, no complete spatial analysis exists, to our knowledge, to quantify or anticipate this important changeover. Here we show that by 2100, the decline of all glaciers outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets may produce new terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems over an area ranging from the size of Nepal (149,000 ± 55,000?km2) to that of Finland (339,000??±??99,000??km2). Our analysis shows that the loss of glacier area will range from 22?±?8% to 51?±?15%, depending on the climate scenario. In deglaciated areas, the emerging ecosystems will be characterized by extreme to mild ecological conditions, offering refuge for cold-adapted species or favouring primary productivity and generalist species. Exploring the future of glacierized areas highlights the importance of glaciers and emerging post-glacial ecosystems in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss and freshwater scarcity. We find that less than half of glacial areas are located in protected areas. Echoing the recent United Nations resolution declaring 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation and the Global Biodiversity Framework, we emphasize the need to urgently and simultaneously enhance climate-change mitigation and the in situ protection of these ecosystems to secure their existence, functioning and values.

Enhanced inner core fine-scale heterogeneity towards Earth’s centre


▲ 作者:Guanning Pang, Keith D. Koper, Sin-Mei Wu, Wei Wang, Marine Lasbleis & Garrett Euler

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Earth’s inner core acquires texture as it solidifies within the fluid outer core. The size, shape and orientation of the mostly iron grains making up the texture record the growth of the inner core and may evolve over geologic time in response to geodynamical forces and torques. Seismic waves from earthquakes can be used to image the texture, or fabric, of the inner core and gain insight into the history and evolution of Earth’s core. Here, we observe and model seismic energy backscattered from the fine-scale (less than 10?km) heterogeneities that constitute inner core fabric at larger scales. We use a novel dataset created from a global array of small-aperture seismic arrays—designed to detect tiny signals from underground nuclear explosions—to create a three-dimensional model of inner core fine-scale heterogeneity. Our model shows that inner core scattering is ubiquitous, existing across all sampled longitudes and latitudes, and that it substantially increases in strength 500–800?km beneath the inner core boundary. The enhanced scattering in the deeper inner core is compatible with an era of rapid growth following delayed nucleation.

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