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来源:明升手机版(明升官网) 发布时间:2024/5/7 14:52:10
北京时间5月7日晚八点,iCANX Youth Talks第五十四期邀请到了南方科技大学刘吉,密歇根州立大学刘心悦,南方科技大学肖凯三位教授主讲,澳门大学贾艳伟作为主持人,明升官网明升体育app技术大学王柳,明升官网明升体育app院纳米能源研究所唐伟担任嘉宾,期待你一起加入这场知识盛宴。
Hydrogel materials are highly similar in structure and composition to biological tissues, and are emerged as one of the most ideal materials for the bioelectronics interfacing. Traditional synthetic hydrogels exhibit low strength and are prone to brittle fracture. It remains challenge to form seamless interface between the hydrogel materials and biological tissues, due to the presence of free water at the interface, which greatly hampers their in vivo applications. To address these challenges, we have constructed a series of functional hydrogel materials and bioelectronic interfaces through multi-scale structural design and fabrication, in order to provide potential solutions to challenges in the fields of bioelectronics and tissue engineering.
Dr Ji Liu is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (Sustech, China). He obtained his PhD from the University of Liege (Belgium) and University of Bordeaux (France) under the framework of Erasmus Mundus Joint PhD program in 2013. Prior to joining Sustech, he conducted post-doc research in the University of Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Medical School. His research interest includes soft material engineering, extreme mechanics, tissue engineering, flexible electronics, and has published over 50 papers in those journals like Sci. Adv., Nat. Commun., PNAS, Adv. Mater., JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. He is also the recipient of several awards, including Nano Research Young Innovators (NR45, 2023) Awards, Innovators Under 35 of China by MIT Technology Review (2020), Guangdong Pearl River Talents Program Introduces High-Level Talents (2020), Overseas High-Caliber Personnel in ShenZhen (2020), Young Investigator Award by Japan Polymer Group (2017), Marie-Curie Research Fellow (2015), etc.
刘吉,南方科技大学机械与能源工程系研究员,博士生导师和课题组长。刘吉博士在欧盟Erasmus Mundus联合博士奖学金的资助下,于2013年底在法国波尔多大学和比利时列日大学获得博士学位;2014-2019年先后在玛丽居里基金会和美国国防高级研究计划局等项目资助下在剑桥大学、麻省理工学院和哈佛明升手机版院从事研究工作;2019年9月加入加入南方科技大学。刘吉博士的研究兴趣包括软材料力学,软材料加工及器件化、动态表界面、3D打印、人体技术相关的柔性电子等。先后在Sci. Adv., Nat. Commun., PNAS, Adv. Mater., JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,等期刊上发表文章50余篇;先后获纳米研究青年明升体育app家奖(NR45 Awards, 2023)、英国材料矿业与矿物学会会士(2021)、《麻省理工科技评论》明升官网区“35岁以下科技创新35人”(2020)、珠江人才引进高层次人才青年项目(2020)、深圳市海外高层次人才(2020)、日本高分子协会青年学者奖(2017)、玛丽居里学者(2015)等荣誉。
The capability to manage transport processes opens a myriad of applications, such as fiber optic communication, efficient water purification, and building thermal insulation. While hydrogels have emerged as engineering materials of significant interest due to their superior mechanical compliance and water-retaining capacity, their potential in modulating light and mass transport remains largely unexplored. Our research team focuses on developing hydrogels that can precisely control light propagation and chemical diffusion. The first representative work is designing hydrogels with high transmittance and a high refractive index to minimize the photon transport loss even under dynamic conditions. Through the controlled growth of polymeric nanocrystalline domains within the hydrogels, we have fabricated hydrogel materials with optimal absorption, scattering and refractive properties and mechanical resilience. Such material innovation led to the creation of a hydrogel optical fiber with a core-cladding structure, facilitating flexible and efficient photon propagation. A notable application of this technology is the implantation of hydrogel optical fibers for optogenetic control. These fibers effectively deliver light to peripheral nerves for optogenetic control and allow for continuous stretching without impeding natural animal behaviors. The second aspect focuses on engineering the polymer network architectures in hydrogels to enhance water diffusion during swelling and sorption. This has been achieved by introducing additional polymer transition between crystalline and amorphous states to amplify enthalpic gains from polymer-solvent interactions. We demonstrated the applications of hydrogels with improved water transport including atmospheric water harvesting and super-expandable intragastric balloons. Lastly, I will discuss the ongoing project that hydrogels are engineered with high-specificity biomolecular interactions, ensuring selective permeability of them. This has significant potential in biosensing, drug delivery, and cell culture.
Xinyue Liu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2021, and her bachelor’s degree from Sichuan University in 2015. From 2022 to 2023, she was a postdoctoral fellow in Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has published over 20 papers in numerous high-impact journals, including Nature Methods, Nature Communications, Nature Chemical Biology, Matter, Science Advances, PNAS, Advanced Materials. Her research group currently focuses on hydrogel materials and devices as the new paradigm to control mass transport and light transmission for biomedical and environmental applications. As of April 2024, her research has been cited more than 5000 times with an H-index of 55. She was awarded with Forbes Asia 30 Under 30, MRS Graduate Student Award, Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students.
刘心悦,美国密歇根州立大学化工材料系助理教授。刘心悦2015年于四川大学本科毕业,此后于2021年在美国麻省理工大学获得机械工程博士学位。2022年到2023年期间,曾在美国麻省理工大学系进行博士后研究。她在一些高影响力期刊上发表20余篇论文,其中包括Nature Methods, Nature Communications, Nature Chemical Biology, Matter, Science Advances, PNAS, Advanced Materials等刊物。她的课题组正致力于研究水凝胶材料以及器件作为用于医疗、农业、环境实践的新一代技术。截止2024年4月,她的工作被引用5000 余次,H指数21。她还被授予Forbes亚洲30 Under 30奖,MRS研究生奖,明升官网CSC海外优秀学生奖等奖项。
The language of intelligent life is "ions", and the language of artificial intelligence is "electrons". To build a high-throughput and low-power brain-like computing system, the "Neuro-inspired Materials and Devices Lab" conducts interdisciplinary research of ionic energy and computing materials and devices involving chemistry, materials, information, and biology, which has the potential to break through the barriers of information exchange between intelligent life and artificial intelligence. We constructed a bioinspired multi-scale ion transport system, including nanofluidic system and soft ionic conductor system, revealed the interaction law between ion transport behavior and material structure/interface, fabricated a series of ionic energy devices (e.g., ion pump/ion-electron Coulomb drag energy generator) and ionic brain-like devices (e.g., ionic memristor/ionic neuromorphic chips). We hope the energy and neuromorphic devices using "ions" as language have the potential for realizing brain-machine hybrid intelligence.
Dr. Kai Xiao is an associate professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, China. Kai Xiao received his bachelors degree from Jilin University (Changchun, China) in 2012, and his PhD from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS, China) in 2017. After that, he moved to the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPIKG, Germany) working as an Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Fellow. From 2021, he works as an Associate Professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech, China), and leads a research group of "Neuro-inspired Materials and Devices Lab". He has authored over 60 academic papers published in peer-reviewed journals and two book chapters, with citations of over 4000. His research interest lies in nanofluidic, ionic soft materials, and ionic energy/neuromorphic devices.
肖凯,南方科技大学生物明升手机版工程系副教授,创新材料研究院兼职教授,博士生导师,洪堡学者,深圳市鹏城特聘教授。2012年于吉林大学获得学士学位,2017年于明升官网明升体育app院明升手机研究所获得博士学位,2017年受洪堡基金会资助于德国马普胶体界面研究所从事博士后研究,2020年加入德国莱布尼茨固体与材料研究所从事博士后研究。2021年9月加入南方科技大学生物明升手机版工程系。在Nat. Commun., Sci. Adv., Natl. Sci. Rev., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., JACS等杂志发表学术论文60余篇,撰写Wiley 出版社百科全书《Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology》等两章节。现任《Chinese Chemical Letter》和《Journal of Bionic Engineering》青年编委,入选2022年“全球前2%顶尖明升体育app家”榜单,曾获德国“洪堡学者”奖学金、明升官网明升体育app院优秀博士毕业论文、明升官网明升体育app院院长优秀奖、朱李月华奖学金、唐敖庆明升手机奖学金、国际纳米科技与纳米明升手机版峰会优秀青年明升体育app家等荣誉和奖励。


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