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作者: 来源: 发布时间:2012-11-22 14:28:58
Wiley最新开放获取期刊Clinical Case Reports即将于2013年春季出版,这本刊将主要发表各种病例手机版,不过投稿并不限于新奇、有挑战性或是让人吃惊的病例。Clinical Case Reports现在正在全球范围内招募副主编,有兴趣就来试试吧,详细信息:
What is Clinical Case Reports?
Clinical Case Reports is an open access journal publishing case reports from the full spectrum of healthcare practitioners including doctors, nurses, dentists, and vets. Unlike many other case report journals, our case reports do not have to be novel, unusual, or challenging—nor do they have to be surprising. They simply have to convey an important teaching point about a common or important clinical scenario. Scenarios which illustrate the appropriate use of a clinical guideline or systematic review are particularly important to us. Novel, unusual, and challenging cases are still important and will also form a key part of Clinical Case Reports. However, we know that most healthcare professionals spend most of their time treating common problems, and that those common clinical problems present excellent opportunities to illustrate and disseminate best practice. Consequently, compared with teaching points from rare or unusual situations, our common best practice messages have the potential to optimise the care of many more patients globally – and that is why we are excited about them. Our vision in this context is that Clinical Case Reports should improve global health and increase clinical understanding.
The Editor-in-Chief for Clinical Case Reports is Dr Charles Young. Dr Young is Vice President for Clinical Solutions at Wiley, was previously Editor-in-Chief at the BMJ Evidence Centre, and prior to that he was Executive Editor at The Lancet. H e continues to work as an Emergency Physician at St Thomas’ Hospital in London.
We intend to launch Clinical Case Reports in the first quarter of 2013.
Objectives for Associate Editors
1. Provide rapid peer review of case report submissions in their area of clinical specialty.
2. Organise rapid peer review for case report submissions when they are unable to provide their own review.
3. Help communicate the results of peer review to authors to facilitate the revision of the submitted manuscripts.
4. Help the Editor-in-Chief make the final decisions regarding whether or not to accept submissions for publication.
5. Provide strategic advice to the Editor-in-Chief and Strategic Advisory Board about journal policy and development in their area of clinical specialty.
6. Help recruit further Associate Editors where submission volume is high.
7. Provide ambassadorial support for Clinical Case Reports.
Support for Associate Editors
• Online peer review management via custom-configured “ScholarOne Manuscripts” website
• Strategic Advisory Board
• Editorial Assistant (based at Wiley to run the Editorial Office)
• Production Editor (to process accepted articles for publication)
• Managing Editor (based at Wiley, to manage the journal and collaborate on strategy and services)
• Marketing Manager (with subject area knowledge, and who will link in with other global colleagues)
• Publisher (to guide the publishing team and provide high-level input and support, as needed)
Remuneration and Term of Office
Associate Editors will serve for a fixed term of 3 years. There will be no direct financial remuneration, but Associate Editors will be acknowledged for their work on the Journal website, and will receive a free subscription to a Wiley journal of their choice during the full term of their role.
Personal Profile
• A healthcare practitioner with a clear area of specialist knowledge and experience.
• An interest in research and research publication.
• Sufficient time and commitment to fulfill objectives 1 – 6 above.
• Able to work collaboratively with the Editor-in-Chief and Strategic Advisory Board.
• Keen to innovate and explore publishing opportunities for Clinical Case Reports in their specialist area.
• Effective in publicizing and promoting Clinical Case Reports.
To register your interest or for more information please email:
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