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作者:Yuan Tian, Irina Voineagu, Sergiu P Pa?ca, Hyejung Won, Vijayendran Chandran, Steve Horvath, Ricardo E Dolmetsch and Daniel H Geschwind 来源:Genome Medicine 发布时间:2018/10/17 13:27:22
神经发育以及去极化相关变化影响Timothy综合征中iPSC衍生神经元的转录网络 | Genome Medicine

论文标题:Alteration in basal and depolarization induced transcriptional network in iPSC derived neurons from Timothy syndrome


作者:Yuan Tian, Irina Voineagu, Sergiu P Pa?ca, Hyejung Won, Vijayendran Chandran, Steve Horvath, Ricardo E Dolmetsch and Daniel H Geschwind





原文作者:Yuan Tian, Irina Voineagu, Sergiu P Pa?ca, Hyejung Won, Vijayendran Chandran, Steve Horvath, Ricardo E Dolmetsch and Daniel H Geschwind

编码钙信号通路亚基的基因中常见的遗传变异和罕见突变对患多种神经精神疾病的风险具有多重影响,其中包括自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder, ASD)和精神分裂症。为了进一步扩展已有基因的表达数据从而探寻其中的机理,来自美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的Daniel H Geschwind及其研究团队在Genome Medicine上发表了一篇名为Alteration in basal and depolarization induced transcriptional network in iPSC derived neurons from Timothy syndrome的文章,构建了一个Timothy综合征(TS)的共表达网络。


Yuan Tian et al.

Timothy综合征是一种具有高ASD外显率的单基因病症,通常由L型钙通道Cav1.2的突变引发。为了确定患者特异性的转录组变化,研究者们对来自于正常个体以及TS患者的(由CACNA1C的G406R变异引起)多个诱导多潜能干细胞系(induced pluripotent stem cell,iPSC)的神经祖细胞和神经元进行了全基因组的加权基因共表达网络分析(WGCNA),并采用转录因子结合位点富集分析来评估TS相关的共表达变化是否反映了钙依赖的共调节。





Common genetic variation and rare mutations in genes encoding calcium channel subunits have pleiotropic effects on risk for multiple neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia. To gain further mechanistic insights by extending previous gene expression data, we constructed co-expression networks in Timothy syndrome (TS), a monogenic condition with high penetrance for ASD, caused by mutations in the L-type calcium channel, Cav1.2.


To identify patient-specific alterations in transcriptome organization, we conducted a genome-wide weighted co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) on neural progenitors and neurons from multiple lines of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) derived from normal and TS (G406R in CACNA1C) individuals. We employed transcription factor binding site enrichment analysis to assess whether TS associated co-expression changes reflect calcium-dependent co-regulation.


We identified reproducible developmental and activity-dependent gene co-expression modules conserved in patient and control cell lines. By comparing cell lines from case and control subjects, we also identified co-expression modules reflecting distinct aspects of TS, including intellectual disability and ASD-related phenotypes. Moreover, by integrating co-expression with transcription factor binding analysis, we showed the TS-associated transcriptional changes were predicted to be co-regulated by calcium-dependent transcriptional regulators, including NFAT, MEF2, CREB, and FOXO, thus providing a mechanism by which altered Ca2+ signaling in TS patients leads to the observed molecular dysregulation.


We applied WGCNA to construct co-expression networks related to neural development and depolarization in iPSC-derived neural cells from TS and control individuals for the first time. These analyses illustrate how a systems biology approach based on gene networks can yield insights into the molecular mechanisms of neural development and function, and provide clues as to the functional impact of the downstream effects of Ca2+signaling dysregulation on transcription.



Genome Medicine(, 8.898 - 8.265 - ) is an open access journal publishing outstanding research in the application of genetics, genomics and multi-omics to understand, diagnose and treat disease. Our publication policy combines selection for broad interest and importance with a commitment to serving authors well.


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