论文标题:Dynamic strain determination using fibre-optic cables allows imaging of seismological and structural features
作者:Philippe Jousset et al.
发表时间: 2018/07/03
根据《自然-通讯》发表的一项研究Dynamic strain determination using fibre-optic cables allows imaging of seismological and structural features,光纤电缆已被用于检测地震信号,成像地质断层。这表明未来宽带通信网络或可用于定位和评估地质断层,光纤电缆或可用作地震仪的一种替代工具。
Philippe Jousset
德国地球明升体育app研究中心的Philippe Jousset及同事在冰岛设置了一项实验:光纤电缆被改造为一系列传感器,用以记录天然地震波和人为地震波。这些传感器通过检测地震波通过时光纤电缆长度的细微变化来量化光纤电缆所承受的应力。作者发现,光纤电缆不仅记录了地震信号,还能详细解析周围断层和其它深层地质结构。
Jousset et al.
摘要:Natural hazard prediction and efficient crust exploration require dense seismic observations both in time and space. Seismological techniques provide ground-motion data, whose accuracy depends on sensor characteristics and spatial distribution. Here we demonstrate that dynamic strain determination is possible with conventional fibre-optic cables deployed for telecommunication. Extending recently distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) studies, we present high resolution spatially un-aliased broadband strain data. We recorded seismic signals from natural and man-made sources with 4-m spacing along a 15-km-long fibre-optic cable layout on Reykjanes Peninsula, SW-Iceland. We identify with unprecedented resolution structural features such as normal faults and volcanic dykes in the Reykjanes Oblique Rift, allowing us to infer new dynamic fault processes. Conventional seismometer recordings, acquired simultaneously, validate the spectral amplitude DAS response between 0.1 and 100 Hz bandwidth. We suggest that the networks of fibre-optic telecommunication lines worldwide could be used as seismometers opening a new window for Earth hazard assessment and exploration.