论文标题:Electronic excitations stabilized by a degenerate electron gas in semiconductors
作者:C. Nenstiel, G. Callsen, et al
发表时间: 2018/07/26
《通讯-物理》发表的一篇论文Electronic excitations stabilized by a degenerate electron gas in semiconductors描述了一种在高质量半导体晶体中发现的新型准粒子——Collexon。可以印证准粒子存在的材料会表现出独特的光学特征和不同寻常的物理特性,这些特点对基础明升体育app和应用明升体育app都很重要。
图1:通过光致发光监测激子类复合体的稳定化。图源:Nenstiel et al.
德国柏林工业大学的Christian Nenstiel及其同事将氮化镓半导体晶体中的原子替换为锗原子,他们在维持原始晶体结构的同时,实现了高浓度的原子取代。然而,这样的原子取代改变了晶体的物理特性——增加了固体中自由电子的浓度。通过分析这些经过特殊处理的晶体对光的吸收和发射,作者观察到了他们认为是Collexon的稳定性随着电子气密度的上升而上升的现象。他们认为这可能是所有半导体的标准特性——只要能够实现相同水平的原子取代即可。
图2:费米海中的Collexon激发。图源:Nenstiel et al.
摘要:Excitons in semiconductors and insulators consist of fermionic subsystems, electrons and holes, whose attractive interaction facilitates bound quasiparticles with quasi-bosonic character. In the presence of a degenerate electron gas, such excitons dissociate due to free carrier screening. Despite their absence, we found pronounced emission traces in the below-band-edge region of bulk, germanium-doped GaN up to a temperature of 100 K, mimicking sharp spectral features at high free electron concentrations (3.4E19–8.9E19 cm−3). Our interpretation of the data suggests that a degenerate, three-dimensional electron gas stabilizes a novel class of quasiparticles, which we name collexons. These many-particle complexes are formed by exchange of electrons with the Fermi gas. The potential observation of collexons and their stabilization with rising doping concentration is enabled by high crystal quality due to the almost ideal substitution of host atoms with dopants.