悠长假期防流感!我可不是在偷懒 | BMC Infectious Diseases |
论文标题:The impact of regular school closure on seasonal influenza epidemics: a data-driven spatial transmission model for Belgium
作者:Giancarlo De Luca, Kim Van Kerckhove, Pietro Coletti, Chiara Poletto, Nathalie Bossuyt, Niel Hens and Vittoria Colizza
愉快的假期可不仅仅意味着尽情玩耍或放肆废宅,实际上,假期的到来在预防流感方面也可能有着重要作用。在BMC Infectious Diseases上发表的一项研究探讨了学校放假在控制流感疫情方面的重要性。
由于学校的常规假期可以提供各类社会接触和旅行(这是决定流感疫情影响力的两个关键性因素),De Luca等人试图研究学校常规假期对阻止流感蔓延的影响。他们期望能够在人口统计学和感染动力学数据的基础上,将儿童和成人在上学/放假期间的社会接触和旅行整合成一个空间上的集合种群。以2008/2009年比利时流感季节为研究对象,用单个布鲁塞尔地区来校准数学模型,校准后的模型能够精确地扩展至全国水平。
研究人员随后采用比利时公共卫生研究所手机版的流感样疾病(ILI)数据对该模型进行了参数化。他们根据比利时学校全年的假期安排,测试了一些实验场景。 首先去除各种不同的法定假期,然后替换成模型中常规的上课/工作周,进而观察其对疫情暴发时间和强度的影响。
通过对单个季节进行分析,可以显示学校的常规假期在减缓和减轻流感疫情方面的影响。 然而,这些影响在很大程度上取决于放假的时间以及是否处于流感季。作者还指出,各个国家的社会接触及其在全年范围内的变化可能不同。因此,需要进一步了解由疫情引起的行为变化,通过纳入更多的流感季和更明确的年龄组来进一步实现疫情处理模型的参数化。
School closure is often considered as an option to mitigate influenza epidemics because of its potential to reduce transmission in children and then in the community. The policy is still however highly debated because of controversial evidence. Moreover, the specific mechanisms leading to mitigation are not clearly identified.
We introduced a stochastic spatial age-specific metapopulation model to assess the role of holiday-associated behavioral changes and how they affect seasonal influenza dynamics. The model is applied to Belgium, parameterized with country-specific data on social mixing and travel, and calibrated to the 2008/2009 influenza season. It includes behavioral changes occurring during weekend vs. weekday, and holiday vs. school-term. Several experimental scenarios are explored to identify the relevant social and behavioral mechanisms.
Stochastic numerical simulations show that holidays considerably delay the peak of the season and mitigate its impact. Changes in mixing patterns are responsible for the observed effects, whereas changes in travel behavior do not alter the epidemic. Weekends are important in slowing down the season by periodically dampening transmission. Christmas holidays have the largest impact on the epidemic, however later school breaks may help in reducing the epidemic size, stressing the importance of considering the full calendar. An extension of the Christmas holiday of 1 week may further mitigate the epidemic.
Changes in the way individuals establish contacts during holidays are the key ingredient explaining the mitigating effect of regular school closure. Our findings highlight the need to quantify these changes in different demographic and epidemic contexts in order to provide accurate and reliable evaluations of closure effectiveness. They also suggest strategic policies in the distribution of holiday periods to minimize the epidemic impact.
BMC Infectious Diseases (,2.62 - 2-year Impact Factor, 2.949 - 5-year Impact Factor) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases in humans, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology.