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来源:Springer Nature 发布时间:2019/10/28 13:39:22
生物明升手机与分子生物学会40周年 | Springer Nature开放获取期刊推荐


明升官网生物明升手机与分子生物学会2019 年全国学术会议暨学会成立四十周年庆将于2019 年10 月24-27 日在山西国际会议中心召开。此次会议由明升官网生物明升手机与分子生物学会主办,山西省生物明升手机与分子生物学会、山西医科大学、山西大学、上海市王应睐生物明升手机与分子生物学发展基金会、科院生物明升手机与细胞生物学研究所共同承办。

Springer Nature出版社受邀赴会,届时,我们的编辑会在B18展位与各位专家学者探讨学术出版事宜。期待您的光临,也欢迎您在会前会后同我们的编辑联系:

祝欣, 生物明升手机版图书编辑,xin.zhu@springernature.com

以下为Springer Nature在生物明升手机与分子生物学领域的开放获取期刊推荐,欢迎免费阅读期刊出版的内容并向我们投稿。

Protein & Cell


Protein & Cell publishes original research articles, reviews, and commentaries concerning the latest developments in multidisciplinary areas in biology and biomedicine, with an emphasis on protein and cell research. Protein & Cell is a peer-reviewed open access journal published monthly. The open access fees (article-processing charges) for this journal are kindly sponsored by Higher Education Press, Beijing Institutes of Life Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Biophysical Society of China. Authors can publish in the journal without any additional charges.


7.575 2-year IF

6.118 5-year IF

1.111 SNIP

2.280 SJR

Experimental and Molecular Medicine


Experimental & Molecular Medicine (EMM) is Koreas first biochemistry journal (founded in 1964) and is relaunched in 1996 as an Open Access, fully peer-reviewed international journal. It is a medical research journal devoted to publishing the latest developments in translational research and the recent discoveries in the biomedical field. Submission is encouraged of papers that involve genetic, molecular and cellular studies of human physiology and diseases.


4.743 2-year IF

5.450 5-year IF

1.323 SNIP

2.019 SJR

Cell Discovery


Cell Discovery is an open access international journal that publishes results of high significance and broad interest in all areas of molecular and cell biology. Cell Discovery is established in 2015 as a sister journal of the high profile international journal Cell Research. Cell Discovery, published by Springer Nature in partnership with the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), aims to provide an open access platform for scientists to publish their high quality works.


4.600 2-year IF

4.483 5-year IF

0.963 SNIP

2.855 SJR

BMC Molecular Biology


BMC Molecular Biology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of DNA and RNA in a cellular context, encompassing investigations of chromatin, replication, recombination, mutation, repair, transcription, translation and RNA processing and function.


2.568 2-year IF

2.380 5-year IF

0.746 SNIP

1.284 SJR

BMC Biochemistry


BMC Biochemistry is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of biochemical processes, including the structure, function and dynamics of metabolic pathways, supramolecular complexes, enzymes, proteins, nucleic acids and small molecular components of organelles, cells and tissues.


1.344 2-year IF

1.492 5-year IF

0.765 SNIP

0.571 SJR

BMC Structural Biology


BMC Structural Biology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on investigations into the structure of biological macromolecules, including solving structures, structural and functional analyses, and computational modeling.


1.231 2-year IF

1.647 5-year IF

0.408 SNIP

0.546 SJR

CSBMB 2019

B18展位 Springer Nature


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