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来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/4/9 14:37:23

论文标题:Surface chromium on Terracotta Army bronze weapons is neither an ancient anti-rust treatment nor the reason for their good preservation


作者:Marcos Martinón-Torres, Xiuzhen Li, Yin Xia, Agnese Benzonelli, Andrew Bevan, Shengtao Ma, Jianhua Huang, Liang Wang, Desheng Lan, Jiangwei Liu, Siran Liu, Zhen Zhao, Kun Zhao, Thilo Rehren


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41598-019-40613-7




Marcos Martinon-Torres和同事分析了464件遗址出土的兵器,只在37件中发现了铬。他们认为这些兵器上的铬是由秦代工匠使用的生漆污染所致。作者在88%的兵器配件周围检测到了铬,如弓把、剑柄或剑鞘;但只在2%或更少的箭头或剑身样本上发现了铬。作者认为,出现这种分布是因为这些金属部位更靠近处理木制元素的生漆,而木制部分已经受到了腐蚀。此外,作者还提出了其它可能对兵器有保护作用的因素,比如一些青铜兵器的含锡量较高,以及遗址土壤的成分。

摘要:For forty years, there has been a widely held belief that over 2,000 years ago the Chinese Qin developed an advanced chromate conversion coating technology (CCC) to prevent metal corrosion. This belief was based on the detection of chromium traces on the surface of bronze weapons buried with the Chinese Terracotta Army, and the same weapons’ very good preservation. We analysed weapons, lacquer and soils from the site, and conducted experimental replications of CCC and accelerated ageing. Our results show that surface chromium presence is correlated with artefact typology and uncorrelated with bronze preservation. Furthermore we show that the lacquer used to cover warriors and certain parts of weapons is rich in chromium, and we demonstrate that chromium on the metals is contamination from nearby lacquer after burial. The chromium anti-rust treatment theory should therefore be abandoned. The good metal preservation probably results from the moderately alkaline pH and very small particle size of the burial soil, in addition to bronze composition.


期刊介绍: () is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

The 2017 journal metrics for Scientific Reports are as follows:

•2-year impact factor: 4.122

•5-year impact factor: 4.609

•Immediacy index: 0.576

•Eigenfactor® score: 0.71896

•Article Influence Score: 1.356

•2-year Median: 2


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