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来源:Biotechnology for Biofuels 发布时间:2018/12/17 14:54:09
Biotechnology for Biofuels创刊10周年 | 高引论文精选

英文标题:Celebrating ten years of Biotechnology for Biofuels – top ten most cited articles




BMC旗下期刊Biotechnology for Biofuels成立十周年了!

从初创刊年发表的18篇文章到2018年的311篇, Biotechnology for Biofuels的发展十分迅猛,五年影响因子6.66和近百万篇文章的下载量正是强有力的佐证。

作为第一个致力于生物燃料研究的开放获取期刊,它通过服务于生物燃料领域的研究者,迅速成为利用木质纤维素(木质)生产下一代燃料的明升体育app家们的首选期刊。在2016年,Biotechnology for Biofuels将期刊覆盖领域扩大到基于生物的明升手机品研究方向,契合了该领域的市场增长需求。


Research - 24 May 2010


Cellulose crystallinity index: measurement techniques and their impact on interpreting cellulase performance

Sunkyu Park et,al.

doi: 1754-6834-3-10

Review - 28 Jan 2013


Bioconversion of lignocellulose: inhibitors and detoxification

Leif J Jönsson et,al.

doi: 1754-6834-6-16

Review - 14 March 2012


Value-added uses for crude glycerol--a byproduct of biodiesel production

Fangxia Yang et,al.

doi: 1754-6834-5-13

Review - 02 July 2012


Novel enzymes for the degradation of cellulose

Svein Jarle Horn et,al.

doi: 1754-6834-5-45

Research - 21 March 2013


Expansion of the enzymatic repertoire of the CAZy database to integrate auxiliary redox enzymes

Anthony Levasseur et,al.

doi: 1754-6834-6-41

Review - 01 May 2008


A short review on SSF – an interesting process option for ethanol production from lignocellulosic feedstocks

Kim Olofsson et,al.

doi: 1754-6834-1-7

Research - 08 June 2009


Yield-determining factors in high-solids enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose

Jan B Kristensen et,al.

doi: 1754-6834-2-11

Review - 23 February 2010


Access to cellulose limits the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis: the role of amorphogenesis

Valdeir Arantes and Jack N Saddler

doi: 1754-6834-3-4

Research - 16 April 2008


Cell-wall structural changes in wheat straw pretreated for bioethanol production

Jan B Kristensen et,al.

doi: 1754-6834-1-5

Review - 28 January 2013


Assessing the molecular structure basis for biomass recalcitrance during dilute acid and hydrothermal pretreatments

Yunqiao Pu et,al.

doi: 1754-6834-6-15


Biotechnology for Biofuels is celebrating its 10th anniversary! The journal was launched in 2008 as the first open access journal dedicated to biofuels research. Since then it has grown each year from publishing 18 articles in 2008 to 311 in 2017. By serving the biofuels research community it quickly became the first choice journal for scientists endeavoring to produce next-generation fuels from lignocellulosic (woody) biomass. This is reflected in its five year impact factor of 6.66 and more than 1 million article downloads. Always looking to the future, in 2016 the journal expanded its scope to bio-based chemicals, reflecting the growth in research in this area.

Overseen by the Editors-in-Chief Jean-Marie Francois, Michael Himmel, Debra Mohnen and Charles Wyman, Biotechnology for Biofuels is supported by an expert panel of Associate Editors, who are responsible for peer-review and editorial decision making for the journal. In this anniversary year, we would like to congratulate them on the journal’s continued reputation as a leader in the field and thank all the researchers who have contributed to the incredible body of work



Biotechnology for Biofuels, 5.497 - , 6.661 - ) is an open access peer-reviewed journal featuring high-quality studies describing technological and operational advances in the production of biofuels, chemicals and other bioproducts. The journal emphasizes understanding and advancing the application of biotechnology and synergistic operations to improve plants and biological conversion systems for the biological production of these products from biomass, intermediates derived from biomass, or CO2, as well as upstream or downstream operations that are integral to biological conversion of biomass.


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