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来源:Breast Cancer Research 发布时间:2019/10/22 11:28:02
微胖女孩面临的患癌风险也更大么? | Breast Cancer Research

论文标题:Body size in early life and risk of breast cancer


作者:Md. Shajedur Rahman Shawon, Mikael Eriksson & Jingmei Li




早期体型与成年乳腺癌(BC)的风险成负相关,但这种关联是否因肿瘤特征而异目前还尚不清楚。 发表的一项研究试图了解两者之间的关系。


在发表在Breast Cancer Research 的一项研究中,研究人员进行了两个基于瑞典乳腺癌人群的独立研究,目的是通过更年期状态和肿瘤特征来阐明早期体型与成年乳腺癌风险之间的关系。



与7岁和18岁时的偏瘦体型相比,7岁和18岁时的中等体型或偏胖体型被试患BC的风险显著降低:偏胖体型与偏瘦体型相比分别为,0.78(0.70-0.86),Ptrend <0.001,以及0.72(0.64–0.80),Ptrend <0.001。大多数女性在7至18岁之间没有发生体型的改变。与7至18岁之间体型一直偏瘦的女性相比,在7至18岁之间体型都保持中等或偏胖的女性患BC的风险显著降低。研究还发现7至18岁之间体型减小与BC风险呈反比关系。7岁时的体型与肿瘤特征之间没有显著关联。18岁时的体型与肿瘤大小成反比(Ptrend = 0.006),但与雌激素受体的状态和淋巴结受累没有关联。对于所有分析,在进一步根据人体重指数进行调整后,总体的结论没有明显变化。




Body size in early life is inversely associated with adult breast cancer (BC) risk, but it is unclear whether the associations differ by tumor characteristics.


In a pooled analysis of two Swedish population-based studies consisting of 6731 invasive BC cases and 28,705 age-matched cancer-free controls, we examined the associations between body size in early life and BC risk. Self-reported body sizes at ages 7 and 18 years were collected by a validated nine-level pictogram (aggregated into three categories: small, medium and large). Odds ratios (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated from multivariable logistic regression models in case-control analyses, adjusting for study, age at diagnosis, age at menarche, number of children, hormone replacement therapy, and family history of BC. Body size change between ages 7 and 18 were also examined in relation to BC risk. Case-only analyses were performed to test whether the associations differed by tumor characteristics.


Medium or large body size at age 7 and 18 was associated with a statistically significant decreased BC risk compared to small body size (pooled OR (95% CI): comparing large to small, 0.78 (0.70–0.86), Ptrend <0.001 and 0.72 (0.64–0.80), Ptrend<0.001, respectively). The majority of the women (~85%) did not change body size categories between age 7 and 18 . Women who remained medium or large between ages 7 and 18 had significantly decreased BC risk compared to those who remained small. A reduction in body size between ages 7 and 18 was also found to be inversely associated with BC risk (0.90 (0.81–1.00)). No significant association was found between body size at age 7 and tumor characteristics. Body size at age 18 was found to be inversely associated with tumor size (Ptrend = 0.006), but not estrogen receptor status and lymph node involvement. For all analyses, the overall inferences did not change appreciably after further adjustment for adult body mass index.


Our data provide further support for a strong and independent inverse relationship between early life body size and BC risk. The association between body size at age 18 and tumor size could be mediated by mammographic density.


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