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来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/4/16 13:11:19

论文标题:Behavior of mice aboard the International Space Station


作者:April E. Ronca, Eric L. Moyer, Yuli Talyansky, Moniece Lowe, Shreejit Padmanabhan, Sungshin Choi, Cynthia Gong, Samuel M. Cadena, Louis Stodieck, Ruth K. Globus


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41598-019-40789-y



《明升体育app手机版》本周发表了一项动物行为研究Behavior of mice aboard the International Space Station首次对在国际空间站(ISS)的NASA“啮齿动物栖息地”飞行的小鼠进行了详细分析。该动物研究有助于了解长时间暴露在太空失重环境下会对人类会产生何种影响。

图1 图源: Pixabay

在一次相对小鼠寿命而言时间较长(17-33天)的任务中,美国NASA埃姆斯研究中心的April Ronca和同事对ISS上飞行的20只雌性小鼠(16周和32周大)进行了视频拍摄,并在地面建立了匹配对照组。作者的目的在于进一步揭示动物是如何适应太空环境的。这些研究发现可能会影响动物实验的结果解读,而动物实验能帮助我们更好地认识人类对长期太空飞行的反应。




摘要:Interest in space habitation has grown dramatically with planning underway for the first human transit to Mars. Despite a robust history of domestic and international spaceflight research, understanding behavioral adaptation to the space environment for extended durations is scant. Here we report the first detailed behavioral analysis of mice flown in the NASA Rodent Habitat on the International Space Station (ISS). Following 4-day transit from Earth to ISS, video images were acquired on orbit from 16- and 32-week-old female mice. Spaceflown mice engaged in a full range of species-typical behaviors. Physical activity was greater in younger flight mice as compared to identically-housed ground controls, and followed the circadian cycle. Within 7–10 days after launch, younger (but not older), mice began to exhibit distinctive circling or ‘race-tracking’ behavior that evolved into coordinated group activity. Organized group circling behavior unique to spaceflight may represent stereotyped motor behavior, rewarding effects of physical exercise, or vestibular sensation produced via self-motion. Affording mice the opportunity to grab and run in the RH resembles physical activities that the crew participate in routinely. Our approach yields a useful analog for better understanding human responses to spaceflight, providing the opportunity to assess how physical movement influences responses to microgravity.


期刊介绍: () is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

The 2017 journal metrics for Scientific Reports are as follows:

•2-year impact factor: 4.122

•5-year impact factor: 4.609

•Immediacy index: 0.576

•Eigenfactor® score: 0.71896

•Article Influence Score: 1.356

•2-year Median: 2


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