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来源:Frontiers of Computer Science 发布时间:2022/8/1 13:32:58
FCS | Frontiers of Computer Science 期刊2022年第四期目录

标题:Frontiers of Computer Science 期刊2022年第四期目录




Zhi-Hua ZHOU

Rehearsal: learning from prediction to decision


Ruchika MALHOTRA, Kusum LATA

Handling class imbalance problem in software maintainability prediction: an empirical investigation

Bin ZHANG, Jiaxi YE, Ruilin LI, Chao FENG, Yunfei SU, Chaojing TANG

Pusher: an augmented fuzzer based on the connection between input and comparison operand

Artificial Intelligence

Wei LI, Yuefei SUI

Monotonicity and nonmonotonicity in L3-valued propositional logic

Mingyu DENG, Wei YANG, Chao CHEN, Chenxi LIU

Exploring associations between streetscape factors and crime behaviors using Google Street View images

Tian WANG, Shiye LEI, Youyou JIANG, Choi CHANG, Hichem SNOUSSI, Guangcun SHAN, Yao FU

Accelerating temporal action proposal generation via high performance computing

Liner YANG, Chengcheng WANG, Yun CHEN, Yongping DU, Erhong YANG

Controllable data synthesis method for grammatical error correction

Zhen SONG, Yu GU, Zhigang WANG, Ge YU

DRPS: efficient disk-resident parameter servers for distributed machine learning

Jiansheng WU, Chuangchuang LAN, Xuelin YE, Jiale DENG, Wanqing HUANG, Xueni YANG, Yanxiang ZHU, Haifeng HU

Disclosing incoherent sparse and low-rank patterns inside homologous GPCR tasks for better modelling of ligand bioactivities

Qingwen LI, Lichao ZHANG, Lei XU, Quan ZOU, Jin WU, Qingyuan LI

Identification and classification of promoters using the attention mechanism based on long short-term memory

Theoretical Computer Science


The parametric complexity of bisimulation equivalence of normed pushdown automata

Networks and Communication

Chaofan WANG, Xiaohai DAI, Jiang XIAO, Chenchen LI, Ming WEN, Bingbing ZHOU, Hai JIN

Demystifying Ethereum account diversity: observations, models and analysis

Image and Graphics

Guoshuai ZHOU, Xiuxia TIAN, Aoying ZHOU

Image copy-move forgery passive detection based on improved PCNN and self-selected sub-images

Bo WANG, Li HU, Bowen WEI, Zitong KANG, Chongyi LI

Nighttime image dehazing using color cast removal and dual path multi-scale fusion strategy

Information Security

Xin LIU, An WANG, Liehuang ZHU, Yaoling DING, Zeyuan LYU, Zongyue WANG

SCARE and power attack on AES-like block ciphers with secret S-box

Xinghua LI, Ting CHEN, Qingfeng CHENG, Jianfeng MA

An efficient and authenticated key establishment scheme based on fog computing for healthcare system

Tianning ZHANG, Miao CAI, Diming ZHANG, Hao HUANG

SeBROP: blind ROP attacks without returns


Jiajie PENG, Jinjin YANG, D Vijay ANAND, Xuequn SHANG, Kelin XIA

Flexibility and rigidity index for chromosome packing, flexibility and dynamics analysis


Kunyan LI, Jie ZHANG, Shiguang SHAN

Polynomial stacked-attention network for nationality classification

Xianxian LI, Bing CAI, Li-e WANG, Lei LEI

Precise sensitivity recognizing, privacy preserving, knowledge

graph-based method for trajectory data publication

Pai PENG, Fei ZHU, Xinghong LING, Peiyao ZHAO, Quan LIU

Improving deep reinforcement learning by safety guarding model via hazardous experience planning

Chenchen SUN, Derong SHEN

Disk based pay-as-you-go record linkage

Fanyi YANG, Huifang MA, Weiwei GAO, Zhixin LI

Community search over heterogeneous information networks via weighting strategy and query replacement

Yuanrui ZHANG, Frédéric MALLET, Zhiming LIU

A dynamic logic for verification of synchronous models based on theorem proving

Yuhan CHAI, Zhe SUN, Jing QIU, Lihua YIN, Zhihong TIAN

TPRPF: a preserving framework of privacy relations based on adversarial training for texts in big data

Di ZHANG, Yong ZHOU, Jiaqi ZHAO, Zhongyuan YANG, Hui DONG, Rui YAO, Huifang MA

Multi-granularity semantic alignment distillation learning for remote sensing image semantic segmentation



Frontiers of Computer Science

Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS)是由教育部主管、高等教育出版社和北京航空航天大学共同主办、SpringerNature 公司海外发行的英文学术期刊。本刊于 2007 年创刊,双月刊,全球发行。主要刊登计算机明升体育app领域具有创新性的综述论文、研究论文等。本刊主编为周志华教授,共同主编为熊璋教授。编委会及青年 AE 团队由国内外知名学者及优秀青年学者组成。本刊被 SCI、Ei、DBLP、INSPEC、SCOPUS 和明升官网明升体育app引文数据库(CSCD)核心库等收录,为 CCF 推荐期刊;两次入选“明升官网科技期刊国际影响力提升计划”;入选“第4届明升官网国际化精品科技期刊”;入选“明升官网科技期刊卓越行动计划项目”。




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