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来源:Frontiers of Architectural Research 发布时间:2024/6/7 18:59:49
FoAR 伊斯法罕风格的理论框架:激发乡土城市可持续发展的一面



作者:Hatef Jafari Sharami, Seyed Jamalaldin Hosseini

发表时间:14 Dec 2023




建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林

本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录

01论 文 题 目

Manuscript Title

Theoretical framework of the Isfahani style: Inspiring sustainable aspects of a vernacular urban development


02作 者


Hatef Jafari Sharami (a)*, Seyed Jamalaldin Hosseini (b)

(a) Department of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Eyvanekey, Eyvanekey 99888-35918, Iran

(b) Faculty of Civil and Architecture, University of Eyvanekey, Eyvanekey 99888-35918, Iran

03论 文 摘 要


The Isfahani style represents a method of traditional Iranian architecture and urban development that existed in the early 20th century and is regarded as a leading model in most traditional Iranian cities. It exhibits several vigorous features contributing to its recognition as a traditional approach to sustainable architecture and urban development. This research endeavors to reveal a theoretical framework beneath these inspiring aspects using the typology of sustainable modern forms, including the hierarchy, passive design strategies, compactness, density, diversity, mixed land use, pluralism, balance, good composition, and integration over time. To this end, the study employs qualitative research methods, drawing from traditional samples, to identify innovative, energy and socially efficient, and low-impact strategies implemented in this vernacular architecture of Iran’s semi-arid and hot climates. The findings revealed that the neighborhood concept as a local and plural community (Mahalla) was a vital phenomenon in Iran’s urban development. Apparently, the demise of this paradigm effectively played an important role in the numerous challenges regarding the social, energy, and economic viability of modern Iranian cities. Hence, this study presented theoretical frameworksdaligned with sustainable conceptsdfrom the Isfahani style through its analysis, classification, and interpretation, which can contribute to modern urban development.


04关 键 词


Isfahani style / 伊斯法罕风格

Vernacular urban development / 乡土城市发展

Sustainable urban development / 可持续城市发展

Iranian cities / 伊朗城市

Vernacular architecture / 乡土建筑

05章 节 标 题

Sections Title

1. Introduction / 引言

2. Literature / 文献

3. Analysis, classification, and interpretation / 分析、分类以及阐释

3.1. Neighborhoods / 邻里

3.2. Pathways / 小路

3.3. Urban structure / 城市结构

4. Discussion / 讨论

5. Conclusion / 结论

06主 要 插 图


▲ 图一:研究方法示意图。 © 本文作者

▲ 图二:Fahadan社区,伊朗雅滋德。 © 本文作者

▲ 图三:传统阿斯法罕风格的房子,根据Ganjnameh书中地图绘制。 © Haji Ghasemi (2004).

▲ 图四:位于雅滋德的Rismanian房屋,根据Ganjnameh书中地图绘制。 © Haji Ghasemi (2004).

▲ 图五:位于雅滋德的Rismanian房屋,根据Ganjnameh书中地图绘制。 © Haji Ghasemi (2004).

▲ 图六:亚兹德和梅博德古镇中,庭院可以调节伊斯法罕风格城市发展的微气候。资料来源:根据20世纪后期的卫星图像。

▲ 图七:伊斯法罕风格的路线等级,伊斯法罕的Posht-Baru和Golbahar社区。图片来源:由原始地图扫描而来,是1923年由“苏丹赛义德礼萨汗”为伊斯法罕警察局绘制,如左上角描述部分所述。

07作 者 介 绍

Authors’ Information

Hatef Jafari Sharami


Department of Architecture and Urbanism

University of Eyvanekey, Iran

Currently, my research interests are focused on theories in the history of architecture and the trajectory of modern architecture. I am particularly interested in understanding how architectural theories have shaped design practices throughout history. Additionally, I am exploring the importance of these theories in creating immersive and sustainable built environments. Moreover, I am drawn to related fields like urban design, simulations, and multidisciplinary techniques, as they provide valuable insights into the holistic approach to architectural design. I am always eager to engage with others and value different perspectives and ideas. Therefore, please feel free to share your thoughts and mindset with me.

Seyed Jamalaldin Hosseini


Department of Civil and Architecture

University of Eyvanekey, Iran

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